Day 1

Many of you might have slept in today but that’s not the case for us. The day started at five am when we gathered at Landvetter (the airport of Gothenburg) with our luggage ready to leave for adventure.

Our first stop was Frankfurt where we had approximately one hour to switch gates and catch the next flight. However this small task ended up being a bigger hassle than we could’ve ever thought. When reaching our gate we were the last ones boarding the plane, but one of the workers did not let Nicke and Natha take the bus that was supposed to transfer us to the flight. They ended up trying to catch a flight to Miami instead but that’s a story for another time. Our teachers, Anna and Johanna, were in a state of shock and were afraid that the whole trip was ruined. In the end they somehow, in someway, got to the plane in time and the trip continued.

At last we reached our destination, Porto in Portugal. When first arriving and taking the bus to the hotel accompanied by the Belgian delegation we were quite nervous. How was this supposed to go?

We stayed at the hotel for a bit and made sure everything was comfortable before taking the metro into the city. The hotel we are staying at is called Hotel Brazao and is a really nice hotel with an old fashioned style, almost like being in your grandparents house. Brazao is located about 50 minutes away from the inner-city if you take the metro, which is exactly what we did alongside the Belgians. In Porto we roamed freely, had a delicious meal, and did some sightseeing in the rain.

A day packed full of new impressions – bring on the next one!

En reaktion till “Day 1

  1. Skönt att ni kommit fram fast det verkar som ni tappat två elever men vi har fler här om ni behöver fler.
    Vi har det bra här med massa sol, otrolig så skönt det är när solen skiner, man blir på så gott humör.
    Imorgon har arbetslagsträff med go fika, det är de små sakerna som gör det.

    Ta hand om varandra och ha en fantastik vecka, kul och läsa vad ni har för er!

    Hälsningar Staffan

    Gillad av 1 person

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